#5 - 22 Jacks
It's not too often you bump into too many people who would describe themselves as "avid" 22 Jacks, and i was very much the same. They were definitely fairly generic and deserve a place on this list, but they did have a few absolute bangers on their 3rd album 'Going North'. Think one guy in the band formed Side One Dummy and eventually stopped this band, turned out to be a wise choice as SOD have some great bands these days.
Key Album - Going North (1999)
#4 - Bracket
Classic middle of the road Fat Wreck band, exuding mediocrity left right and centre. They did, however, have an addictive gimmick in the form of Warrens Song, which the band had various versions of and i always wanted to get hold of all of them in the Napster years. I think i only ever got Warrens Song Part 6, 7, 8 and 9 but either way fairly standard mid 90's stuff. I still really like Warrens Song part 8 and 9 though, they were actually pretty cool.
Key Album - When All Else Fails (2000)
#3 - H2O
I really never got the obsession with H2O. They really were pretty mundane, and somehow they even managed to bag a major label release with their 4th album 'Go' on MCA. The only song i really found catchy was One Life One Chance a song i was convinced was drilled into my head from one of the Tony Hawk Pro Skater games. But turns out it wasn't on any of them, but i'm almost certain it was on some sort of computer game? Maybe Cool Boarders or something? If anyone knows tell me as it's doing my head in.
#2 - Guttermouth
Ahhh, Guttermouth! The band every
one jokes as still being my favourite band ever. This was a close second to what eventually came first in this list, mainly because of Lipstick. Too many people knew and loved that song for them to be 100% generic like our #1 band. Musical Monkey was one of my first punk rock CD's after hearing them on the Nitro sampler Deep Thoughts, the compilation responsible for my love for AFI. It had some ok tracks, but none as good as Lipstick. Although it does boast one of the most random intro's of any song on 'Do The Hustle' as after 20 odd seconds of dull guitar the music cuts out to the sound of someone confused saying "Hey, how did everybody get in my room!". They also had the weirdest 30 second song on Short Music For Short People, it was basically an advert for a magicians superstore!
Top Track - Lipstick
Key Album - Musical Monkey (1997)
#1 - Jughead's Revenge
The king's amongst men when it comes to generic 90's punk rock, whole albums with a similar sound and vibe. Whilst i liked them at the time, i find it difficult to now distinguish between tracks, hit and run and victims and volunteers might as well be the same track. They also had that hilarious name change incident where they became known as Jugg's Revenge, although i think that's when they decided to pack it in. The only thing which made them in the slightest bit different was that they had a chronically fat bloke in the band, but even Bowling For Soup had one of them. Plus Bowling For Soups bloke was fatter!
Top Track - No Time (From 1999's Pearly Gates album)
Key Album - Just Joined (1998)
This is the best 90s generic punk album -http://i448.photobucket.com/albums/qq209/earlymorningparis/0000116217_350.jpg
Thank you for sharing this interesting post. While others may not agree with your choices, in the end, it is still your personal pick. Anyway it is really fun to search on past songs that have been a great part of our growing up years. These just bring back good old memories.
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